I am a Software Engineer. Currently I am doing problem solving and praticipating in different kinds of programming contests to various online platforms. I have done some projects and researchs which are given below to the resume section and also available in my Github account. Besides I am learning some research moudles for my final thesis.

Problem Solver & ML/DS Enthusiast.
I am solving problems from different online judges since 2018. I have done a few web base application which are available in my github account.
- Birthday: 19 November 1998
- Age: 23
- Phone: +8801790584856
- Email: Rahiq_1@outlook.com
- City: Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Degree: Bachelor of Software Engineering
I use JAVA for my problem solving and Programming Contests. I also use Python for research purpose which I am currently working. Besides I use PHP, HMTL, CSS, LARAVEL, VueJS for web development.
Currently I am intern IT Engineer at KSRM , Chittagong. I have done some projects and researchs. All of them are academic.
Rahiq Al Makhtum
Innovative and deadline-driven programmer and developer. Two years of working experience under a local startup.
- Chandgaon R/A B-block 14no-Road , Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- (+88) 01790584856
- Rahiq_1@outlook.com
Bachelor of Software & Engineering
2018 - 2021
Sichuan University, Chittagong
I have finished studying Bachelor of Software Engineering in Sichuan University China. I have started Competitive Programming since 2nd semester in this University.
Higher Secondary School Certificate
2015 - 2017
Hazera Taju Degree College, Chittagong
I have completed my Higher Secondary School Certificate in science department from this college.
Academic Projects & Researches
Classifying Textual Emotions (Research)
2021 - 2022
Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
- This research was about detecting emotions from text is an extension of simple sentiment polarity detection.
- Used Technology: Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Tensorflow, Pandas, Numpy.
- Trainning the Neural Network model with some development data.
- Testing the trained model with some test data and find it's accuracy and f1 score.
University Enrollment System (Project)
2020 - 2021
Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
- This is an web based application for enrollment and marks distribution system.
- Used Technology: Laravel, Vue JS, MySQL.
- An website of an university to let students to complete their enrollment.
- An website of an university to let teachers to assign marks through a dynamic distribution form.
- An website of an university to let students to see their results on depends on the marks assigned by their teachers.
Contact me from Bangladesh or any other countries any time.
Chandgaon R/A B-block, 14no Road, 341-House, PO:4212 , Chittagong, Bangladesh